Receiver, Oil Separator & LPR Vessel
Receiver, Oil separator & LPR Vesel: These are made from best quality material of MS Shell by Saw Welding Machine, confirming to IS: 2062 and design as per pressure vessel code ASME Section-8 with safety valve and gauge glass valve etc. & capable of withstanding of the refrigerant pressure develop during its working period.
Advantages of Saw Welding Machine
- High deposition rates (over 45 kg/h (100 lb/h) have been reported).
- High operating factors in mechanized applications.
- Deep weld penetration.
- Sound welds are readily made (with good process design and control).
- High speed welding of thin sheet steels up to 5 m/min (16 ft/min) is possible.
- Minimal welding fume or are light is emitted.
- Practically no edge preparation is necessary depending on joint configuration and required penetration.
- The process is suitable for both indoor and outdoor works.
- Welds produced are sound, uniform, ductile, corrosion resistant and have good impact value.
- Single pass welds can be made in thick plates with normal equipment.
- The arc is always covered under a blanket of flux, thus there is no chance of spatter of weld.
- 50% to 90% of the flux is recoverable, recycled and reused.